
AbstractIn order to achieve the required accuracy in sea surface salinity (SSS) measurements from L‐band radiometers such as the Aquarius/SAC‐D or SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission, it is crucial to accurately correct the radiation that is emitted from the ocean surface for roughness effects. We derive a geophysical model function (GMF) for the emission and backscatter of L‐band microwave radiation from rough ocean surfaces. The analysis is based on radiometer brightness temperature and scatterometer backscatter observations both taken on board Aquarius. The data are temporally and spatially collocated with wind speeds from WindSat and F17 SSMIS (Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder) and wind directions from NCEP (National Center for Environmental Prediction) GDAS (Global Data Assimilation System). This GMF is the basis for retrieval of ocean surface wind speed combining L‐band H‐pol radiometer and HH‐pol scatterometer observations. The accuracy of theses combined passive/active L‐band wind speeds matches those of many other satellite microwave sensors. The L‐band GMF together with the combined passive/active L‐band wind speeds is utilized in the Aquarius SSS retrieval algorithm for the surface roughness correction. We demonstrate that using these L‐band wind speeds instead of NCEP wind speeds leads to a significant improvement in the SSS accuracy. Further improvements in the roughness correction algorithm can be obtained by adding VV‐pol scatterometer measurements and wave height (WH) data into the GMF.

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