
Design and optimization of technology of creating new multicomponent inorganic materials, in particular, chalcogenides of metals are perspective functional materials in modern electronic techniques, are based on results of thermodynamic calculations. In turn, to ensure high accuracy of similar calculations is needs reliable dates on fundamental thermodynamic characteristics of corresponding phases. However, the analysis of literature data shows that unlike binary system, the thermodynamic properties of ternary and multicomponent systems are studied quite insufficiently. In our opinion, elimination of this blank wide application of electromotive forces method (EMF) one of the most exact experimental methods of chemical thermodynamics appreciably can promote. This method is applied with the big success to the thermodynamic studying of liquid binary and ternary metal systems, which more than 70 % of the available information is concerning to EMF method. Wide application of EMF method for studying of liquid metal systems is caused not only that the specified systems are the most suitable objects of investigation by this method, but also that the mathematical apparatus of chemical thermodynamics allows to calculate strictly integrated thermodynamic functions (ITF) homogeneous binary and ternary system on the basis of values partial thermodynamic functions (PTF) one of components in wide compositions area [M.Babanly et.al, 1992; Morachevskii et.al., 2003; Wagner, 1952]. Unfortunately, specific features and conditions of application EMF method to the heterogeneous systems have not been considered in long time. In the 80th years of last century we have undertaken attempts of elimination of this blank and have developed conditions of application EMF method to heterogeneous metal and semi-conductor systems [M.Babanly, 1985, 1992]. In this chapter we offer the rational method of calculation integral thermodynamic functions of intermediate phases in the ternary heterogeneous systems from PTF of one of components by using of the phase diagram and thermodynamic functions of some boundary binary phases and elementary components. The EMF method with liquid electrolyte has been realized on an example over 30 systems of Thallium-Metal-Chalcogen and have been obtained complexes interconsistency thermodynamic data for the many ternary chalcogenides of thallium [M.Babanly et.al, 1992].

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