
Significance: Herbal medicines have a long history of comprehensive cancer treatment through various posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Recently, emerging evidence revealed that dysregulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ROS-regulated signaling pathways influence cancer initiation, growth, and progression in a paradoxical role with either low levels or increasing levels of basal ROS. However, ROS-triggered modifications of target proteins in the face of ROS-mediated signal transduction are not fully understood in the anticancer therapies of herbal medicines. In this review, we briefly introduce the PTM-dependent regulations of herbal medicines, and then focus on the current ideals that targeting ROS-dependent PTMs via antioxidant and redox signaling pathways can provide a promising strategy in herbal-based anticancer effects. Recent Advances: Advanced development in highly sensitive mass spectrometry-based techniques has helped utilize ROS-triggered protein modifications in numerous cancers. Accumulating evidence has been achieved in laboratory to extensively ascertain the biological mechanism of herbal medicines targeting ROS in cancer therapy. Two general mechanisms underlining ROS-induced cell signaling include redox state and oxidative modification of target protein, indicating a new perspective to comprehend the intricate dialogues between herbal medicines and cancer cellular contexts. Critical Issues: Complex components of herbal medicines limit the benefits of herbal-based cancer therapies. In this review, we address that ROS-dependent PTMs add a layer of proteomic complexity to the cancer through altering the protein structure, expression, function, and localization. Elaborating ROS-triggered PTMs implicated in cell signaling, apoptosis, and transcriptional regulation function, and the possible cellular signaling, has provided important information about the contribution of many ROS targeting herbal therapies in anticancer effects. Continued optimization of proteomic strategies for PTM analysis in herbal medicines is also briefly discussed. Future Directions: Rigorous evaluations of herbal medicines and proteomic strategies are necessary to explore the aberrant regulation of ROS-triggered antioxidant and redox signaling contributing to the novel protein targets and herbal-associated pharmacological issues. These efforts will eventually help develop more herbal drugs as modern therapeutic agents.

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