
Abstract The emergency response plan, as required by the hazardous waste operations and emergency response standard (29 CFR 1910.120) paragraph (q)(1) is a comprehensive document through which compliance with all of the emergency requirements can be identified and met. The required components of an emergency response plan are identified in Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) paragraph (q)(2). Strategies for addressing each component of the emergency response plan are presented. Development of an emergency response plan requires a systematic review of the hazards on site, assumptions of worst case scenarios, development of evacuation procedures, standard operating procedures for response activities, coordination with outside response agencies, and other preplanning activities. Case studies of four facilities and their respective emergency response plans are presented. The case studies demonstrate the range of appropriate emergency response plans that will meet compliance with the performance-oriented requirements. The guidance offered in HAZWOPER for planning for emergencies, if followed, offers facilities preplanned procedures, trained employees, and the availability of needed equipment at critical moments during emergencies. This type of responsible preparation can only benefit the facility, the employees, and the community at large.

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