
Successful recognition of familiar faces is thought to depend on the ability to integrate view-dependent representations of a face into a view-invariant representation. It has been proposed that a key intermediate step in achieving view invariance is the representation of symmetrical views. However, key unresolved questions remain, such as whether these representations are specific for naturally occurring changes in viewpoint and whether view-symmetric representations exist for familiar faces. To address these issues, we compared behavioural and neural responses to natural (canonical) and unnatural (noncanonical) rotations of the face. Similarity judgements revealed that symmetrical viewpoints were perceived to be more similar than non-symmetrical viewpoints for both canonical and non-canonical rotations. Next, we measured patterns of neural response from early to higher level regions of visual cortex. Early visual areas showed a view-dependent representation for natural or canonical rotations of the face, such that the similarity between patterns of response were related to the difference in rotation. View symmetric patterns of neural response to canonically rotated faces emerged in higher visual areas, particularly in face-selective regions. The emergence of a view-symmetric representation from a view-dependent representation for canonical rotations of the face was also evident for familiar faces, suggesting that view-symmetry is an important intermediate step in generating view-invariant representations. Finally, we measured neural responses to unnatural or non-canonical rotations of the face. View-symmetric patterns of response were also found in face-selective regions. However, in contrast to natural or canonical rotations of the face, these view-symmetric responses did not arise from an initial view-dependent representation in early visual areas. This suggests differences in the way that view-symmetrical representations emerge with canonical or non-canonical rotations. The similarity in the neural response to canonical views of familiar and unfamiliar faces in the core face network suggests that the neural correlates of familiarity emerge at later stages of processing.

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