
The first two official UN missions to launch UN peacekeeping operations were the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization(Israel) and the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan.The UN’s peacekeeping activities, in its traditional sense, came at a time when confrontation between the parties to the Cold Warparalyzed the Security Council in 1956 during the Suez Crisis.In order to understand how peacekeeping has evolved from its inception to the present day, as well as to be able to assess howits effectiveness has grown, the author proposes to divide the history of peacekeeping missions into periods.In 1987, 5 peacekeeping operations were carried out, and in 1993 their number reached 19, in 1995 – 20. In 2019 – 14 peacekeepingmissions were carried out. However, not all peacekeeping operations are carried out only by the UN. Between 2004 and 2013,regional organizations and situational alliances were involved in stabilizing the conflict (as in the case of the CAR, Chad and Darfurmissions).Peacekeeping has become a unique example of global cooperation as a major UN body, such as the General Assembly, the SecurityCouncil, the Secretariat; and States, both those providing military and police contingents and those receiving missions.Throughout its history, there have been setbacks and victories, but peacekeeping has proved the necessity of its existence. It hasbecome a unique example of global cooperation as a major UN body, such as the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Secretariat;and States, both those providing military and police contingents and those receiving missions.Given all the shortcomings and problems that have arisen during peacekeeping missions for half a century, in 2000 the UN beganreforming the peacekeeping mechanism, which continues to this day.Since 1948, UN peacekeeping has evolved significantly and become much more effective, but there are still problems with thelegitimacy of UN missions, human rights violations and others.


  • Щоб розуміти, як еволюціонувала миротворча діяльність від моменту появи і до сьогоднішнього дня, а також, щоб мати змогу оцінити, як зростала її ефективність, історію миротворчих місій доречно поділити на такі періоди:

  • In order to understand how peacekeeping has evolved from its inception to the present day, as well as to be able to assess how its effectiveness has grown, the author proposes to divide the history of peacekeeping missions into periods

  • Between 2004 and 2013, regional organizations and situational alliances were involved in stabilizing the conflict

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Щоб розуміти, як еволюціонувала миротворча діяльність від моменту появи і до сьогоднішнього дня, а також, щоб мати змогу оцінити, як зростала її ефективність, історію миротворчих місій доречно поділити на такі періоди: – від створення першої миротворчої місії ООН з розділення воюючих сторін, т.зв. – від створення трьох нових місій у Анголі, Намібії та Центральній Америці до кризи в миротворчій діяльності після місії в Сомалі та Югославії;

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