
The CO2 emission transfer at city level, especially across sectors of cities, has not yet been sufficiently quantified. This paper analyzes the embodied CO2 transfer across sectors of 13 cities in Jing-Jin-Ji region (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in China) combining multi-regional input-output analysis with complex network analysis. The results show that (1) most embodied CO2 transfers are concentrated in a few sectors and emission reduction effects on these sectors can be quickly extended to the entire embodied CO2 transfer network (ECTN). (2) The electricity and hot water production and supply sector in Beijing have the most embodied CO2 export partners and the strongest control over embodied CO2 transfer. The construction sector in Beijing has the most embodied CO2 import partners and greatest influence on the ECTN. (3) At city level, 90% of embodied CO2 transfers occur within the city, and the general direction of embodied CO2 transfer across cities is from resource-rich cities, Tangshan and Handan, to developed cities, Beijing and Tianjin. At sector level, the largest embodied CO2 transfer path is electricity and hot water production and supply → metallurgy → construction sector. (4) Embodied CO2 transfers of sectors in the same or adjacent cities are denser. Collection of sectors in Beijing and Tianjin is the densest embodied CO2 transfer community.

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