
It has been known for nearly 30 years that the theoretical and experimental values for the energy ofthe 2s3s1Slevel in singly ionized boron, B II, differ strongly. Since there is much better agreementfor other B II levels, it has been concluded that the experimental value for 2s3s1Smust be revised. Despite a number of recordings over the years of sliding-spark,hollow cathode and beam–foil spectra, this level has not been located. We havenow performed another beam–foil experiment, using higher resolution andsensitivity than in most previous studies. By combining these new data withprevious results, we have identified transitions from the 2s4p, 2s5p and 2p3s1P levelsto 2s3s1S,the excitation energy (137 622 ± 3 cm−1) of which is now well established and inexcellent agreement with theoretical predictions.

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