
Many Thai association football clubs in Thai Premier League have become sports tourism attractions to captivate sports tourists? attention to visit. However, some football clubs have still not reached an achievement. Thus, this study aims to investigate the goals and the elements of sports event tourism management of the football clubs in Thai Premier League so as to enhance the effectiveness of sports event tourism management which could lead to an economic drive, revenue distribution to local communities, and eventually the creative economic development as stated in the National Tourism Development Plan 2012-2016 of Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The methodology used in this study was a qualitative case study with the association football clubs competing in Thai Premier League and the unit of analysis was sports event tourism management. The results revealed that the goals of organizing sports events should be to create physical motives, interpersonal motives, and cultural motives. Such sports events were arranged by considering nonresidential tourists? curiosity to experience new environment and factors affecting tourist decision making. The elements of sports event management were administration, design, marketing, operation, and risks. The operational methods were carried out under the conceptual frameworks of sports management, tourism management, and event management with the aim to achieve the goals of sports event tourism management.

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