
AbstractAt finite Dukhin numbers, where Smoluchowski’s formula is inapplicable to thin-double-layer electrophoresis, the mobility of non-spherical particles is generally anisotropic. We consider bodies of revolution of otherwise arbitrary shape, where a uniformly applied electric field results in a rectilinear motion in the plane spanned by the field direction and the particle symmetry axis, as well as (for particles lacking fore–aft symmetry) rigid-body rotation about an axis perpendicular to that plane. Focusing upon slender particles, where the ratio $\epsilon $ of cross-sectional and longitudinal scales is asymptotically small, the translational and rotational mobilities are obtained as quadratures which depend upon the lengthwise distribution of the scaled cross-sectional width and the force densities associated with rigid-body motion. These mobility expressions approach finite limits as $\epsilon \rightarrow 0$, yielding closed-form expressions for specific particle geometries.

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