
The exciton bound (BE) at the shallow Be acceptor confined in a narrow GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well (QW) has been investigated by means of selective photoluminescence (SPL) and PL excitation (PLE) experiments. For the shallow acceptor, several excited states have been observed as two-hole transition (THT) satellites of the BE. The heavy hole (hh)-like excited nS(Γ 6 ) acceptor states dominate the satellite spectrum, but also the light hole (lh)-like excited 2S(Γ 7 ) and the parity forbidden transition to the 2P 3/2 excited state have been monitored in SPL spectra. When detecting a THT satellite, the 1S(Γ 7 ) hh-like acceptor ground state has been spectrally resolved from the 1S(Γ 6 ) hh-like state in PLE spectra. Several BE states have been theoretically predicted and observed in PLE spectra with the J=5/2 state at lowest energy, like in bulk GaAs. The proposed interpretation of the acceptor hh- and 1h-states is confirmed by SPL and PLE experiments in the presence of an applied magnetic field and in polarized PLE measurements. An effective g-value for the acceptor BE recombination in varying degree of confinement is derived from these Zeeman measurements

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