
The Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) is a digital library that specifically addresses the current problem of scientific publishing, more precisely, the problem of presenting suitably filtered work to other researchers, for the field of computational complexity. Developing the detailed concepts in discussions with a scientific board of researchers in this field, ECCC now fills the gap between author controlled electronic publication (preprint servers, very fast but lacking content filtering) and conventional journal or conference proceedings publication (currently taking months, if not over a year, from submission to publication). Additionally, like a real colloquium, ECCC supports ongoing discussions through the publication of comments to already published material. Further authors have the possibility to present improved versions of their publications while maintaining bibliographic consistency by version control.In this paper, we will first describe the situation ECCC is meant to remedy (Sections 1 and 2) and then detail the setup with respect to organization (3.1), basic functionality (3.2 through 3.4), cooperation with other services (3.5) and plans for the future (3.6).KeywordsBoard MemberDigital LibraryPublication DelayScientific BoardElectronic ColloquiumThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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