
The electroencephalogram during anaesthesia with pentazocine and nitrous oxide-oxygen and the site of action of pentazocine in the brain were investigated. The activated pattern ofeeg was observed following administration of pentazocine intravenously during nitrous oxide-oxygen anaesthesia in clinical cases. In chronic animal experiments, the activated pattern ofeeg was also obtained by local application into the mesencephalic reticular formation, pontine reticular formation and ventropostero-lateral thalamic nucleus. The animals were responsive to pin-prick stimuli. Following the injection into the posterior hypothalamus, neocortical deactivation was obtained while a hippocampal seizure pattern was observed, and following the application into the centro-median thalamic nucleus, both the neocortical and hippocampal deactivated patterns were observed. In the case of local application into the posterior hypothalamus and centro-median thalamic nucleus, the animals became unresponsive to pin-prick stimuli.

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