
This paper reviews the linear elastic theory of the defect solid solution. It is tutorial in nature, and is primarily intended to outline the development of the theory into the mathematical form that is most suitable for the solution of practical problems. The theory treats solid solutions containing distributions of solute defects that distort the solvent lattice and interact elastically with one another. It determines the total strain of the solvent lattice and the elastic contribution to the free energy of the solution in the strong harmonic approximation. The theory is specifically developed for a binary solution of point defects in the absence of external stress. It can be extended to treat multicomponent solutions, stressed solutions, and solutions of finite defects or macroscopic inclusions; the equations governing these complex systems are also presented. The model is finally used to consider ordering and decomposition reactions in solutions whose components interact elastically.KeywordsElastic EnergyTransformation StrainDynamical MatrixActa MeetReference LatticeThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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