
Abstract This paper describes the EGI ‘Applications on Demand service’, a new offering from EGI specifically for individual researchers, small research teams and early phase research infrastructures to support them in scientific data analysis. The described service is available through the EGI Marketplace and, through a lightweight registration and user identity vetting process, allows user-friendly access to a growing number of scientific applications, tools and application hosting frameworks (science gateways; Virtual Research Environments; portal) that are configured to use a dedicated pool of cloud computing and High Throughput Compute clusters donated by members of the EGI federation. The service operates as an open and extensible ‘hub’ for providers and user support teams who wish to federate and share applications and services with individual researchers or small, fragmented communities — typically called ‘the long tail of science’. At the time of writing the service is under integration into the European Open Science Cloud through the EOSC-hub H2020 project.

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