
Pregnancy as a physiological process is often an obstacle to maintainingoptimal health due to the discomfort that occurs during this period. Variousobstacles due to discomfort can prevent pregnant women from beingphysically active, implementing a healthy diet. In addition, in the 3rd trimesterof pregnancy, most pregnant women experience the discomfort of back pain,and many are not aware of the management that can be done. This conditioncauses pregnant women to be unfit during the pregnancy process. Thiscommunity service program aims to increase the knowledge of pregnantwomen related to physical activity, nutrition and body mechanics so that thepregnancy is a quality process. This community service was conducted inNoyontaansari sub district, the working area of Pekalongan City NoyontaanHealth Center, which was attended by 29 pregnant women. The activity wascarried out in the form of education in pregnant women's class activities.There was an increase in the knowledge level of pregnant women before andafter the education. The knowledge tested included knowledge about physicalactivity (exercise), nutrition and body mechanics for pregnant women. Thepre-test results showed that most (62%) had a moderate level of knowledge,7% had less knowledge and only 31% had good knowledge. After the training,the post-test results showed that all pregnant women had a good level ofknowledge. This is an indication of the success of the PkM activities inimproving knowledge.

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