
The wheat crop is one of the most important strategic crops to which the state pays great attention, However, it is characterized by weak productivity to meet its consumption needs of it. Therefore, the study aimed to estimate the efficiency of the technological levels used in the production of wheat crops to raise the efficiency of the exploitation of its resources. To achieve the research objectives, a field study was conducted in Faqous city in Sharkia Governorate during the agricultural season 2020/2021. The results of the research indicate that the fifth technological level is considered the best technological level in the sample in the efficiency of the exploitation of productive resources and the achievement of the targeted productivity thereof, It also showed its positive impact on feddan productivity when measuring the impact of technological change using the Malmquist index as an alternative to the first level that is not used for technology, And that the generalization of its application at the level of the area planted with wheat in both the Faqous city and the Sharkia Governorate will increase the total production of wheat and save hard currency. The study advocates the necessity of Expanding the use of modern technology, Activating the role of agricultural extension in the diffusion of technological innovations while providing agricultural associations with production requirements and the necessary equipment at appropriate prices and wages and the appropriate dates for agriculture.

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