
Based on the identified trends, patterns and features of the development of the grain production industry in Ryazan region, a conclusion was made about the existing potential and the prospect of support for agricultural organizations specializing in the production of grain, the development of seed production of winter wheat and spring barley, the use of innovative technologies for their cultivation and harvesting. The team of authors revealed that one of the main problems in the development of the grain production industry both in Ryazan region and in Russia was a decrease in the level of technical equipment of agricultural enterprises with modern grain harvesters. To solve this problem, it is proposed at the level of the regional government to purchase a license from developers for the production of devices that reduce grain losses during threshing and cleaning, create jobs for the production of these devices and modernize grain harvesters in the region, that will allow getting a larger percentage of high-quality food and seed grain, to replenish the regional budget with an additional amount of taxes, the receipt of which will exceed the costs of purchasing a license and organizing additional jobs.

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