
Introduction. Сases of ineffective activation of automatic sprinkler fire-fighting systems (AFFS), designed pursuant to current standards, have made it necessary to address the following three issues: a) identification of reasons for ineffective activation; b) examination of AFFS systems to ensure their successful activation in case of fire; c) making a list of recommendations for AFFS designers. These issues can be resolved with reference to Appendix B to new SP (Construction Regulations) 485.13130.2020.Maximal critical height of sprinkler placement. Models of fire development were used to design the roof height limit and the AFFS bulb heating time. If the ceiling height exceeds the limit value, sprinklers cannot be activated in a timely manner. This leads to delays in the AFFS activation, and, as a result, the fire area exceeds the one safeguarded by the sprinkler.Acceptable sprinkler height. The analysis of fire scenarios and bulb heating models allows to more accurately project the feasibility of timely AFFS activation. This, in turn, allows to solve the three above listed problems.Using a differential heat detector to activate sprinklers. If it is established that the use of the AFFS, activating sprinklers by means of thermal destruction of a bulb, is ineffective in a given room, the feasibility of forced AFFS activation using a differential heat detector responding to the temperature rise in a room may be considered. The ratios, thus obtained, are applied to identify the acceptable height of premises protected by the AFFS equipped with such detectors. Problem solutions, including the identification of the reason for the ineffective operation of the AFFS, examination of the AFFS in operation, and provision of recommendations to designers, are demonstrated using the exhibition hall as an example.Conclusions. The above-mentioned problems are resolvable with the help of Appendix B to new Construction Regulations 485.13130.2020 and the above models.


  • Сases of ineffective activation of automatic sprinkler fire-fighting systems (AFFS), designed pursuant to current standards, have made it necessary to address the following three issues: a) identification of reasons for ineffective activation; b) examination of AFFS systems to ensure their successful activation in case of fire; c) making a list of recommendations for AFFS designers

  • If the ceiling height exceeds the limit value, sprinklers cannot be activated in a timely manner. This leads to delays in the AFFS activation, and, as a result, the fire area exceeds the one safeguarded by the sprinkler

  • If it is established that the use of the AFFS, activating sprinklers by means of thermal destruction of a bulb, is ineffective in a given room, the feasibility of forced AFFS activation using a differential heat detector responding to the temperature rise in a room may be considered

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Об оценке эффективности спринклерной автоматической установки пожаротушения

На основе известных моделей развития пожара и динамики нагрева колбы спринклера АУП установлено, что существует предельная высота помещения, превышение которой не позволяет спринклерам активироваться своевременно. Анализ сценариев пожара и полученные модели нагрева колбы позволяют с большей достоверностью определить возможность своевременного срабатывания АУП. В случае, когда для данного помещения установлено, что использование АУП с активацией спринклеров от теплового разрушения колбы неэффективно, рассмотрена возможность принудительной активации АУП от дифференциального теплового извещателя, реагирующего на скорость роста температуры в помещении. На примере выставочного зала показана возможность решения задач выявления причины неэффективного срабатывания АУП, экспертизы смонтированных АУП и рекомендаций проектировщикам. С использованием Приложения В к новому СП 485.13130.2020 и приведенных моделей становится возможным решить вышеперечисленные задачи. Ключевые слова: пожар; ороситель; нагрев колбы спринклера; критическая высота; принудительная активация.

The efficiency assessment of an automatic sprinkler system
Верхняя критическая высота установки спринклера
Трубопровод Pipeline
Допустимая высота установки спринклера
Активация спринклеров от дифференциального теплового извещателя
Set of premises
Class and subclass of fire
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