
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have appeared as a promising regenerative cell-based therapeutic, for degenerative conditions, such as OA, while the beneficial results from the application of MSCs have been attributed to the MSCs-derived secretome, which is the sum of cytoprotective factors produced by the MSCs. Aim of this study was to systematically review the literature in order to assess whether stem cell secretome (conditioned medium-CM, exosome-Exos or microvesicles-MV)(CM/Exos/MVs) treatment reduces inflammation and enhances cartilage regeneration in preclinical studies of experimental arthritis. An extensive electronic search was conducted by 2 independent reviewers by using the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and Scopus database, as well as Google Scholar, in order to identify the studies that met our inclusion criteria until August 2019. Included studies were assessed for quality and Risk of Bias (RoB) using the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) guidelines and a modification of Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory animal Experimentation (SYRCLE) RoB tool for animal studies, respectively. The initial search provided 525 records, with 28 fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The included studies presented great heterogeneity regarding the stem cells used, the preparation of therapeutic agent as well as the animal models used for testing. In addition, most studies presented with an unclear or high risk bias. In summary, the positive results of CM/Exos/MVs application in preclinical models of experimentally induced OA in terms of resolution of inflammation and cartilage regeneration are highlighted in this review, presenting a promising therapeutic solution for OA.

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