
The host-mediated antiviral effect of two biological response modifiers (BRM), OK-432 and PS-K, against murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) was evaluated in normal and immunologically deficient mice of the same litters. In normal littermate mice, BALB/c (nu/+) or C57BL/6 (bg/+), the BRM-induced resistance against MCMV infection was evidenced by increase in fifty percent lethal doses, decrease in titers of viruses replicated in the target organs and augmentation of natural killer (NK) cell activity of the spleen cells. In T cell-deficient, athymic nude mice, BALB/c (nu/nu), the protective effect was manifested by prolongation of the survival, decrease in the virus titers, and increase in the NK-cell activity, but without decrease in mortality. In NK cell-deficient, beige mutant mice, C57BL/6 (bg/bg), the BRM-induced protection was nullified or minimized, and there was little difference in those parameters between BRM-treated and untreated mice. However, with higher doses of OK-432, but not PS-K, or with sublethal doses of MCMV, the NK cell activity was slightly augmented in the beige mutant mice. Thus both NK cell and T cell activity are essential for mice to overcome acute MCMV infection and it is likely that the protective effect of BRM manifests itself fully, at least in immunologically intact mice.

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