
Early childhood is a phase of rapid development in many aspects, and early interventions can be more effective than interventions provided later on. In prior research, working memory training has demonstrated the possibility to improve the fluid intelligence of both adults and school-aged children. This study examined the training effects of enhancing the development of fluid intelligence in the long-term for preschoolers. Seventy-four preschoolers participated in the experiment. Participants in the experimental group were trained for 14days using n-back program. Fluid intelligence tests were administered four times: pretest, post-test, 6-month follow-up, and 12-month follow-up. Results indicated that, the experimental group significantly enhanced their working memory performance. The experimental group also significantly outperformed the two control groups on the fluid intelligence post test and maintained their superior performance for up to 12 months. Implications are discussed within the context of providing effective early childhood interventions to improve fluid intelligence.

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