
It is already known that for being effective readers we need explicit strategy training and it is generally agreed that well-developed reading comprehension ability is the key to students’ academic success .This comprehension ability is not a passive state which one possesses, but it is an active mental process which needs to be nurtured and improved. The study aims to explore the effectiveness of using summarization strategies makes any significant difference in EFL learners' level of comprehending English texts. It also aims to examine whether using summarization strategies at undergraduate level affect significantly the performance of male and female students' comprehension of texts. The data for this study were collected through two comprehension tests and a personal questionnaire from 40 English students who study at one of Payam Noor University branches in Isfahan. The data were analyzed descriptively and also inferentially. The overall findings of the study which enjoys pretest-posttest design indicated that after receiving summarization strategies training participants outperformed in posttest and there was not a significant difference between performance of female and male participants. The findings of the present study would help teachers and teacher trainers to construct and implement summarization strategies in EFL classes more effectively.

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