
The aim of the research is to study the effects of model exercises in the fitness and conditioning training of athletes on the motor abilities (flexibility) in young athletes. The sample of respondents referred to a high school student in Krusevac, aged 15 and 16 years, covered by regular physical education classes and the training process in additional physical education classes. The total sample of 112 subjects was divided into two sub-samples: The first sub-sample of 56 subjects included regular physical education classes and training three times a week to realize the model of motor exercises (flexibility) in the physical preparation process in the additional physical education classes constitutes the experimental group.The second sub-sample of 56 subjects, included in regular physical education classes only, constitutes the control group of respondents. A sample of variables consisted of: a deep bow on the bench, a split exercise and a flexibility of shoulder strap with baton. The results of the T-test of motor skills between the initial and final measurements of control group subjects were analyzed. After analysis of the obtained results, it is concluded that there is no statistically significant difference in the tests of motor skills.The univariate analysis of the variance of motor ability tests compared the results of the arithmetic means of the experimental and control groups at the final measurement. Based on the coefficients of the F-ratio and their significance (P-Level), it can be concluded that no statistically significant difference in the level of motor abilities was found between the experimental and control groups.

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