
To investigate the effectiveness of spaced retrieval for improving hyperphagia in patients with dementia in residential care settings. Although 10-30% of patients with dementia have hyperphagia, most studies have focused on eating difficulties. Only a few studies have focused on hyperphagia. Various memory problems cause hyperphagia in patients with dementia. Spaced retrieval, a cognitive technique for information learning, can be used as a training method to improve memory loss. Recent studies showed that patients who received the training successfully memorised information learned in the training and correctly applied it to their daily lives. Single-blind experiments were performed. The 97 subjects with dementia were recruited from seven institutions. All research participants were stratified into three groups according to cognitive impairment severity and Hyperphagic Behavior Scale scores and then randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The experimental group received a six-week one-by-one spaced retrieval training for hyperphagia behaviour. The control group received routine care. After the intervention, the frequency and severity of hyperphagia in the patients with dementia, and food intake were significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group. However, body mass index did not significantly differ. Our results suggest that the spaced retrieval training could decrease the frequency and severity of hyperphagia in patients with dementia. The content of this training programme is consistent with the normal manner of eating in daily life and is easy for patients to understand and perform. Therefore, it can be applied in residents' daily lives. This study confirms the efficacy of the spaced retrieval training protocol for hyperphagia in patients with dementia. In future studies, the follow-up duration can be increased to determine the long-term effectiveness of the intervention.

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