
We have examined the interactions of 1 MAC of isoflurane and sevoflurane (and 66% nitrous oxide in oxygen) with vecuronium, using the EMG response of the abductor digiti minimi to train-of-four (TOF) stimulation of the ulnar nerve. We constructed dose-response curves for vecuronium in 54 patients. The curves for both isoflurane and sevoflurane had a significant leftward shift compared with that for fentanyl-nitrous oxide anaesthesia (P < 0.01). When the amplitudes of the first response (T1) had recovered to 50% of control in another 32 patients, subsequently we compared the spontaneous recovery rate of the ratio of the fourth to the first TOF response (T4:T1) at 3-min intervals during the 15-min period, in the presence of two volatile anaesthetics or after discontinuation of administration of anaesthetic. The rate of recovery of T4:T1 was significantly greater when both anaesthetics were discontinued. However, this rate was similar for both anaesthetics, suggesting that the mechanism of action of the two anaesthetics is similar.

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