
An idealized plated bone model was used to test the hypothesis that selected screw removal could alter the bone strain field and be a viable treatment for stress protection osteoporosis. Eighteen bone screw modifications were evaluated for their effects on bone strain. The three variables studied were number, position, and length of screws. Removal of two or four bone screws from an eight hole plate significantly increased the strain per load on the bone model over the values with eight screws in the plate (p less than 0.05). The four screw configurations increased bone strain more than the six screw configurations. It also was shown that the position of screws in the plate could significantly alter the bone strain per load results. Removal of six bone screws from an eight hole plate also increased the bone strain per load, but to excess in some tests. In those configurations, the results were not statistically different from the unplated configuration. Replacement of the full length screws with eight half length screws that engaged only the near cortex significantly reduced bone strain per load as compared with eight bicortical bone screws.

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