
Learning organizations not only contribute to the organization but also to the employee's well- being. The approach of a learning organization's benefits for the employees is as follows: people who work in the learning organizations are happier in their lives. In this research, it was aimed to determine a t what levels are the effects of Science teachers' working for Gaziantep National Education Administration, the perception of a learning organization paradigm on job satisfaction. It will be examined whether science teachers' perception of learning organization affect their job satisfaction in a positive way. As the relationship betwee n science tea chers' perception of a lea rning orga niza tion on job sa tisfaction wa s designa ted to be exa mined, t he research design was determined to be causal-comparative. The population and sample: this study's population is primary school science teachers working a t primary schools within the Ga zia ntep city bounda ry in the 201 2-201 3 aca demic yea rs. A randomly selected 9 9 science teachers from this population is the sample of this research. Two scales were used in order to gather the data for this research: Job satisfaction Scale (Short Form Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire- MSQ) and Learning Organization Scale (LOS). Data was anal yzed by using the hierarchical multiple linear regression models. Findings of this study indicate that perception of general job satisfaction of teachers' learning organizations predicts their job satisfaction strongl y and positively. In the light of the findings, some recommendations were made.

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