
We systematically evaluate the (in-)stability of state-of-the-art node embedding algorithms due to randomness, i.e., the random variation of their outcomes given identical algorithms and networks. We apply five node embeddings algorithms—HOPE, LINE, node2vec, SDNE, and GraphSAGE—to assess their stability under randomness with respect to their performance in downstream tasks such as node classification and link prediction. We observe that while the classification of individual nodes can differ substantially, the overall accuracy is mostly unaffected by the geometric instabilities in the underlying embeddings. In link prediction, we also observe high stability in the overall accuracy and a higher stability in individual predictions than in node classification. While our work highlights that the overall performance of downstream tasks is largely unaffected by randomness in node embeddings, we also show that individual predictions might be dependent solely on randomness in the underlying embeddings. Our work is relevant for researchers and engineers interested in the effectiveness, reliability, and reproducibility of node embedding approaches.

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