
We have carried out a comprehensive study of the static and dynamic spin-spin correlations of Mn x Zn1−xF2 in a magnetic field. Samples withx=0.75 andx=0.5 have been studied. This system exhibits behavior closely related, if not identical, to that of the Random Field Ising Model (RFIM). An additional feature of Mn x Zn1−xF2 is that it exhibits an easily accessible bicritical point; thus one can study the changeover from the RFIM to the uniformXY model with a transverse random field. Quite generally, the instantaneous spin-spin correlations in a field are described by a combination of Lorentzian, Lorentzian-squared and delta function terms the latter corresponds to the long range order (LRO) component. In the Ising phase one finds history dependent behavior as discussed previously. In theXY phase, except very near the spin-flop boundary, one finds ergodic behavior withXY LRO and Lorentzian squared Ising fluctuations. Rather complicated instability effects are found all along the spin-flop boundary. Further, when one establishes LRO in theXY phase and lowers the field through the spin-flop value, one obtains a LRO Ising state in thex=0.75 sample whereas one obtains the field-cooled domain state in thex=0.50 sample. This dramatic difference in behavior is not understood. Our results on the RFIM aspects of the problem are consistent with our previous studies. The transition is dominated by the metastability effects with an underlying equilibrium transition which is either first order or weakly second order (β≈0). The underlying transition manifests itself directly in measurements of the dynamic response nearT N (H). From the data above the metastability boundary we deduce for the static correlation length exponentv=1.4±0.3 in good agreement with theory. We find for the RFIM crossover exponent φRF=1.5±0.2 where the errors represent the spread in values obtained from different techniques. Finally, we have determined in detail the field-temperature phase diagram of thex=0.5 sample including the critical behavior along the spin-flop line; the latter transition appears to be second order for an extended region.

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