
This is the title of the Mackenzie-Davidson Lecture delivered by Sir Humphry Rolleston, President of the British Institute of Radiology, before the Roentgen Society and the Electro-therapeutic Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, on June 30, 1927, and abridged in the July 2, 1927, issue of the British Medical Journal, with editorial comment. The lecture is summarized and the occasion of its delivery commented upon by W. A. Wilkins, in the September, 1927, number of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The Mackenzie-Davidson Lecture was established eight years ago to perpetuate the memory of a man who was not only a pioneer in but a martyr to his work with the X-rays, and who during his short life was a conspicuous leader in their development. In his lecture Sir Humphry paid tribute to the revolutionary influence which radiology has exercised upon medicine and surgery, in both the departments of diagnosis and treatment. In referring to the awful toll in injury and death which the X-ray has taken ...

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