
ABSTRACTI examined the fate of seeds from ten focal trees of Afzelia quanzensis (Leguminosae), a canopy tree in the Arabuko‐Sokoke, Kenya. The study was conducted for one fruiting season, between August 1990 and July 1991. Yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus), Syke's monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis), sun squirrels (Heliosciurus rufobrachium), and bush squirrels (Paraxerus palliatus) were all observed to interact with A. quanzensis seeds at various stages of pod development. Baboons and squirrels consumed high percentages of seeds when they were still immature, but the seeds were still unavailable to Syke's monkeys at this stage. Baboons bit open the hard green pods and squirrels gnawed through the pods to extract the immature seeds (hereafter referred to as seed predation), but monkeys were unable to open the pods. Upon maturity, the pods opened slightly, revealing red arils that were sought by baboons, monkeys, and squirrels. Monkeys removed the highest percentage of mature seeds from these pods. These mammal dispersers ate the arils from the mature seeds and discarded the viable part that germinates (hereafter referred to as seed dispersal). My data indicate that baboons and squirrels are seed predators while monkeys are seed dispersers of A. quanzensis.

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