
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of planting arrangement and phosphate biofertilizer on soybean yield and yield components under different weed interference periods at the Agricultural Research Farm of Razi University, Kermanshah, west Iran. The experiment was a factorial with three factors arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The first factor wa s planting arrangement (50 and 5 cm (P1) or 25 and 10 cm (P2) for inter-row and inter-plant spacings, respectively), the second factor was phosphate biofertilizer (no-inoculation (I0 ) and inoculation (I1)) and the third factor was weed treatment (full season weed-free condition (W0), weedy condition until soybean 4-trifoliate stage (W1), weedy condition until soybean flowering stage (W2) and full season weedy condition (W3)). Resu lts revealed that the highest soybean yield occurred when weeds were controlled throughout the growing season and soybean was planted at the inter-row and inter-plant spacings of 25 and 10 cm, respectively (P2) whether phosphate biofertilizer was used or not. For both planting arrangements, full season weedy condition at the lack of the biofertilizer led to the lowest soybean yield produced. Weed biomass was not significantly affected by use of biofertilizer. The highest weed biomass was established in plots without weed control throughout the whole growing season and soybean was planted in a wider row spacing and a less uniform spatial arrangement (P1). Moreover, For W2 and W3 treatments, soybean planted in a narrower row spacing and a more uniform spatial arrangement (P2) produced a notable lower weed biomass, so that, this planting arrangement reduced weed biomass by 31.8 and 31.7 % in W2 and W3, respectively as compared to the P1 planting arrangement. It can be co ncluded that soybean planting in a more uniform spatial arrangement via a narrower row spacing can significantly improve soybean yield and suppress weeds. Phosphate biofertilizer had no sign ificant effect on soybean yield when soybean was planted as the P2 and weeds were controlled throughout the growing season

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