
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of phonics instruction on underachieving elementary school students early literacy abilities, including vocabulary knowledge, reading abilities, and affective domains. A single subject research across three English underachievers was employed, and three students between the fourth and the sixth grades in elementary levels participated in the study. During the intervention period, three students studied English phonics. Using the phonics instruction, the students understood the relationship between letters and sounds, read English words, memorized and dictated vocabularies, and evaluated their improvement of vocabulary and reading abilities in every session. The entire study took 4 weeks, and each session was around 40 minutes on average. The result indicated that all three students in this study improved their English basic reading abilities. All three students showed positive achievement in their memorizing and reading English vocabularies at the end of the intervention sessions. In addition, the study showed positive effects on their affective domains including confidence, interests, participation, and low anxiety of all three students.

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