
The cancer stem cell hypothesis claims that tumor growth and progression are driven by a (typically) small niche of the total cancer cell population called cancer stem cells (CSCs). These CSCs can go through symmetric or asymmetric divisions to differentiate into specialised, progenitor cells or reproduce new CSCs. While it was once held that this differentiation pathway was unidirectional, recent research has demonstrated that differentiated cells are more plastic than initially considered. In particular, differentiated cells can de-differentiate and recover their stem-like capacity. Two recent papers have considered how this rate of plasticity affects the evolutionary dynamic of an invasive, malignant population of stem cells and differentiated cells into existing tissue (Mahdipour-Shirayeh et al., 2017; Wodarz, 2018). These papers arrive at seemingly opposing conclusions, one claiming that increased plasticity results in increased invasive potential, and the other that increased plasticity decreases invasive potential. Here, we show that what is most important, when determining the effect on invasive potential, is how one distributes this increased plasticity between the compartments of resident and mutant-type cells. We also demonstrate how these results vary, producing non-monotone fixation probability curves, as inter-compartmental plasticity changes when differentiated cell compartments are allowed to continue proliferating, highlighting a fundamental difference between the two models. We conclude by demonstrating the stability of these qualitative results over various parameter ranges. Keywords: cancer stem cells, plasticity, de-differentiation, fixation probability.

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