
Several studies have documented negative effects of persecution by humans on the population dynamics of large birds of prey. Several areas have seen a reduction in persecution in modern times, but the demography of large raptors still makes these birds vulnerable to such effects. In a GIS analysis, utilising data collected during two national censuses of the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos in Scotland and contemporary data on the distribution of poisoning incidents (a common method of raptor persecution in Scotland), we show that persecution was associated with a reduction in the age of first breeding, territory vacancies, and the use of territories by non-breeding immatures. Persecution was therefore reducing adult survival and distribution and was probably creating ecological traps that attract mobile immatures, increasing subadult mortality in birds that may originate from persecution-free areas. Mapping a form of land management unique to moors managed for red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus shooting, where most poisoning occurs, we also show similar associations between golden eagle demography and grouse moor management. As such, persecution may be having a major impact on the golden eagle population of Scotland, since it occurs over a wide area and at least in some areas has continued unchecked over many decades.

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