
Repeated reading is an effective intervention that has been demonstrated to remediate reading problems in children. The parent tutoring literature has shown that this intervention is effective in the home environment as well as the school environment. One primary difference between home-based and school-based interventions is that a consultant is often available to work with teachers, whereas parents are not always offered this resource. However, research has demonstrated that behavioral consultation in the home environment, in which a parent serves the role of the consultee, is an effective method for addressing academic concerns. In order to make sound conclusions regarding the effectiveness of an intervention, whether home-based or school-based, it is imperative that treatment integrity be monitored. The major purpose of this study was to examine if the findings regarding the effectiveness of performance feedback can be systematically extended to behavioral consultation with parents. Five parent-child dyads completed a Repeated Reading intervention in which various forms of performance feedback was provided contingent on low treatment plan implementation levels. Data was analyzed using a non-concurrent multiple baseline design. Results indicated that performance feedback was successful in increasing treatment plan implementation to above 80% for one of the five participants. The addition of a graph illustrating implementation levels (process feedback) into the performance feedback provided was conducted for four of the five participants. Treatment plan implementation levels increased to above 80% for one of the four participants, indicating that a graph of process feedback alone may be insufficient to increase or maintain implementation levels. Additional findings and limitations of the study are discussed.

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