
We evaluated the potential moderating effect of emotional distress (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2, scales D and Pt) on language functioning (i.e., Boston Naming Test, phonemic paraphasic error production on the Boston Naming Test, Controlled Oral Word Association Task, Animal Naming, Token Test) in patients with left ( N = 43) and right ( N = 34) mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) and frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) ( N = 30). Video/EEG and brain imaging results confirmed localization. Logistic regression models revealed that perceived emotional distress moderated language performance. Performance of patients with left MTLE and that of patients with FLE were equally poor across language measures. Performance of patients with right MTLE was intact. Depression and anxiety differentially moderated performance. Anxiety was associated with better performance in patients with FLE on classically temporal lobe-mediated tasks (Boston Naming Test). Depression was associated with worse language performance on measures for which impaired performance was traditionally intrinsic to the underlying epileptogenic lesion (word fluency in FLE) . Emotional distress influences language performance. Adequate treatment of mood should be considered when managing pharmacoresistant epilepsy.

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