
The extended Hasegawa–Wakatani equations generate fully nonlinear self-consistent solutions for coupled density n and vorticity ∇2ϕ, where ϕ is electrostatic potential, in a plasma with background density inhomogeneity κ=−∂ ln n0/∂x and magnetic field strength inhomogeneity C=−∂ ln B/∂x. Finite C introduces interchange effects and ∇B drifts into the framework of drift turbulence through compressibility of the E×B and diamagnetic drifts. This paper addresses the direct computation of the radial E×B density flux Γn=−n∂ϕ/∂y, tracer particle transport, the statistical properties of the turbulent fluctuations that drive Γn and tracer motion, and analytical underpinnings. Systematic trends emerge in the dependence on C of the skewness of the distribution of pointwise Γn and in the relative phase of density-velocity and density-potential pairings. It is shown how these effects, together with conservation of potential vorticity Π=∇2ϕ−n+(κ−C)x, account for much of the transport phenomenology. Simple analytical arguments yield a Fickian relation Γn=(κ−C)Dx between the radial density flux Γn and the radial tracer diffusivity Dx, which is shown to explain key trends in the simulations.

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