
Purpose: Intratumoral genetic heterogeneity (ITGH) is a common feature of solid tumors. However, little is known about the effect of neoadjuvant chemoradiation (nCRT) in ITGH of rectal tumors that exhibit poor response to nCRT. Here, we examined the impact of nCRT in the mutational profile and ITGH of rectal tumors and its adjacent irradiated normal mucosa in the setting of incomplete response to nCRT.Methods and Materials: To evaluate ITGH in rectal tumors, we analyzed whole-exome sequencing (WES) data from 79 tumors obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We also compared matched peripheral blood cells, irradiated normal rectal mucosa and pre and post-treatment tumor samples (PRE-T and POS-T) from one individual to examine the iatrogenic effects of nCRT. Finally, we performed WES of 7 PRE-T/POST-T matched samples to examine how nCRT affects ITGH. ITGH was assessed by quantifying subclonal mutations within individual tumors using the Mutant-Allele Tumor Heterogeneity score (MATH score).Results: Rectal tumors exhibit remarkable ITGH that is ultimately associated with disease stage (MATH score stage I/II 35.54 vs. stage III/IV 44.39, p = 0.047) and lymph node metastasis (MATH score N0 35.87 vs. N+ 45.79, p = 0.026). We also showed that nCRT does not seem to introduce detectable somatic mutations in the irradiated mucosa. Comparison of PRE-T and POST-T matched samples revealed a significant increase in ITGH in 5 out 7 patients and MATH scores were significantly higher after nCRT (median 41.7 vs. 28.8, p = 0.04). Finally, we were able to identify a subset of “enriched mutations” with significant changes in MAFs between PRE-T and POST-T samples. These “enriched mutations” were significantly more frequent in POST-T compared to PRE-T samples (92.9% vs. 7.1% p < 0.00001) and include mutations in genes associated with genetic instability and drug resistance in colorectal cancer, indicating the expansion of tumor cell subpopulations more prone to resist to nCRT.Conclusions: nCRT increases ITGH and may result in the expansion of resistant tumor cell populations in residual tumors. The risk of introducing relevant somatic mutations in the adjacent mucosa is minimal but non-responsive tumors may have potentially worse biological behavior when compared to their untreated counterparts. This was an exploratory study, and due to the limited number of samples analyzed, our results need to be validated in larger cohorts.


  • Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy is one of the preferred treatment strategies for locally advanced rectal cancer [1, 2]

  • We demonstrated that non-treated rectal tumors exhibit a complex clonal architecture and significant, Intratumoral genetic heterogeneity (ITGH) with 27–97% of exonic somatic mutations shared among all regions of an individual’s tumor and with a mutant allele frequency (MAF) correlation between disparate tumor regions ranging from R2 = 0.69–0.96 [7, 8]

  • To expand the characterization of ITGH in rectal tumors, we used whole-exome sequencing (WES) data from 79 non-treated rectal tumors obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) (Supplementary Figure 1)

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Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) is one of the preferred treatment strategies for locally advanced rectal cancer [1, 2]. We demonstrated that non-treated rectal tumors exhibit a complex clonal architecture and significant, ITGH with 27–97% of exonic somatic mutations shared among all regions of an individual’s tumor and with a mutant allele frequency (MAF) correlation between disparate tumor regions ranging from R2 = 0.69–0.96 [7, 8]. In these studies ITGH, was determined using a small number of tumors, and the effect of nCRT in shaping the mutational landscape and clonal architecture of rectal cancer was not addressed. We analyzed the impact of nCRT in the mutational landscape and ITGH of rectal tumors with incomplete response to nCRT and searched for somatic mutations introduced by nCRT in the adjacent normal irradiated mucosa

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