
Over the years, many different theories about the effects of material mass, finishes, coverings such as fabrics, porosity, and other physical attributes of diffuser design have been put forth. These theories have included excess absorption and/or reduced diffusion being caused by different woods or other materials being used as well as different types of paints and finishes. This paper is a study on the veracity of those theories and the effects of assorted materials in the construction and implementation of acoustic diffusers. The study will include the use of a specific diffuser design utilizing a periodic design with specific frequency ranges better known as quadratic residue diffusers. Tests will be conducted to look at specific absorption results and the correlation to diffusion efficiency, if any. In addition, different styles of QRD's will be utilized to see if any designs can overcome the various attributes in design used in diffusion. Standard and customized testing procedures will be used to derive the information presented in the paper.

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