
Given the increasing rise of the world's older population and the quick alteration of the socioeconomic landscape, many countries, Malaysia included, recognise the necessity to protect the economic security of the older people. This country's alarmingly ageing population will transform it into an aged nation by the year 2030. However, several issues and challenges experienced by them, such as the inadequacy of financial savings, living in poverty, and being censured by family issues, may prevent Malaysia from attaining its 2020 ambition of becoming a developed nation and aged friendly country. Thus, this study believed it was necessary to implement effective methods to tackle these issues and challenges along with maximising the health and wellness of the older population. One alternate approach proposed by this study is to increase the participation of healthy and capable older people in the labour force. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of labour force participation and engagement on older people, their family members, society, and the country in support of the alternate approach proposed. Following this aim, this study obtained the data from qualitative research for the doctoral degree of one of the authors. This study found that older people's employment favourably impacted themselves on (i) an individual level, (ii) their families and coworkers on an interpersonal level, and (iii) society on a societal level. This study also demonstrates that the employment of older people can positively impact the (iv) country. The majority of the positive impacts on older people's employment can contribute to their wellbeing, as outlined in the National Policy for Older Person (2011).

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