
This paper introduces simulated experiments con ducted to investigate two major issues related to luna soil beha viors. The first one is related to the electromagnetic properties of lunar soils at microwave frequency (dielectric permittivity, magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity) which aims to identify specific problem that might arise when a pplying electromagnetic wave based geophysics tools such as Ground Pen etration Radar (GPR) for lunar subsurface survey. The second issue investigated is the orginal of coh esion in lunar soils. Measureme nt of electromagnetic properties is conducted using Time Domain Reflect ometry (TDR), which is a guided electromagnetic wave technology. TDR utilizes the propagation of electroma gnetic wave to measure material properties. It works by generating a small -mag nitude electromagnetic field excitation and measures the mat erial response. By using a fast rising pulse of a few picoseconds by the cu rrent electronics, TDR measures the broad frequency band material responses from a few megahertz to g igahertz. A detaile d analyses indicate d that the magnetic permeability for Fe rite Oxide at TDR fr equency range is around 7. Magnetic components are believed to attribute to the cohesion in lunar soils. A method to differentiate th eir contrib ution to cohesion from other sou rces such as molecular attractions is if mixing them randomly, the coh esion will disappear due to disturbance of the alignments of these “small magnets” . The cohesion will increase , however, as Ferite grains a re re -magnetized at their new loc ations. Int roduction This paper introduces simulated experiments conducted to investigate two major issues related to luna soil b ehaviors. The first one is related to the electromagnetic properties of lunar soils at microwave frequency (dielectric permittivity, m agnetic permeability and electrical conductivity) which aims to identify specific problem that might arise when a pplying electroma gnetic wave based geophysics tools such as Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) for lunar subsurface survey. The second issue invest igated is the orginal of coh e

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