
The main purpose of this paper is to explain the Radiological Assessment Programme implemented by Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA (NASA) in the Atucha I NPP and Atucha II NPP sites. Atucha I NPP reached its first criticality in 1974, while Atucha II NPP will start its commercial operation in the last quarter of 2011. The Radiological Assessment Programme verifies the compliance of the basic safety standards with reference to the radiation exposure of the population in the surrounding area and the environmental impact searching for continuous improvement, as a result of applying the ALARA philosophy. The reference levels are calculated considering a theoretical dose of 0.05 mSv/year for the critical group. This value is considered for the discharge limits for Atucha I NPP (Ki) in the Operations Licence in force, and those limits comprise all the radionuclides established in the Argentine Regulatory Authority Requirements.

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