
Background: Functional constipation is common in pediatric age group. Our aim is to evaluate the effects of lifestyle changes (diet, toilet habits, physical activity and others) in children with functional constipation, and to assess the risk factors of functional constipation in Indian children. Methods: This was an observational, prospective, questionnaire and proforma based (pretested and predesigned) follow-up study. Duration was from January 2016 to December 2017. Study was conducted at, department of paediatrics, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Jaipur. Results: On regular follow-up, stool frequency was improved after changing the lifestyle factors like adequate physical activity (p<0.05, CI: 0.27) and regular toilet habits (p<0.05, CI:0.93), blood/mucus, straining, painful defecation and pain abdomen, all are showing significant improvement (p<0.05) after relieving constipation. On regular follow-up Need of disimpaction (polyethylene glycol or proctoclys enema) reduced significantly (p=0.001), number of cases with adequate fiber diet improved significantly (p=0.001), Number of children consuming frequent junk food decreased significantly (p=0.001). Conclusions: Initial disimpaction, if needed and maintenance laxative therapy (1-3 months as per need) along with major lifestyle changes like fibers rich diet, avoidance of junk food, adequate physical activity, optimal sleep hygiene, and daily regular toilet habits have significantly positive correlation with improvement in functional constipation and its symptoms.

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