
This study attempts to investigate the effect of language endangerment on Ngamo language with the sole aim of finding out the extent or level of its endangerment. The researchers have employed the Ethnographic Research approach that involves observing variables in their natural environments or habitats in order to arrive at objective research outcome, which, at the same time uses observation, interview, distribution of questionnaire and participation. The study adopts the work of UNESCO expert committee on language endangerment (2003) as it models of approach. As parts of its the findings this research discovered that the factors that cause language endangerment are: Inter Community Marriage, Lack of Economic Activities, and Lack of Research on the Endangered Language, Globalization, and Lack of Institutional Support, Cultural Background and Migration. More so, the research also confirmed that Ngamo language is under serious threat of endangerment. Moreover, as part of its findings, this research has discovered a lot of things in line with language endangerment which include a case of language shift in Ngamo language. In this case, only 4.06% of their native speakers were found to have an in–build mastery of the language which is quite insignificant. As such, the native speakers of the language (Ngamo) appeared to be very much comfortable while speaking other languages like Hausa and Bole where 62.60% of such speakers were recorded there. Also, among the finding unveiled by this study was interruption on intergenerational transmission in Ngamo language. The scores recorded here shown that, out of the eleven (11) items designed on the questionnaire and administered on their native speakers of the language, it was expected that, Ngamo language scored 55 marks which is the highest point to be obtained on the eleven (11) items on the questionnaire in order to mark the language as safe. However, Ngamo have scored only 29 out of the 55 marks, this ultimately placed the language as critically endangered language.

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