
The modified Blalock-Taussig shunt is a palliative operation for some congenital heart diseases. An artificial conduit with antithrombotic surface placed between the subclavian (or innominate) and the pulmonary artery supplies blood to the lungs in defects with decreased pulmonary flow. Clotting of the graft is the main cause of its failure. Stenosis of the arteries is also observed. The objective of the present study was to investigate the flow pattern in the graft to investigate the possibility that clotting is initiated by the stimulation of platelets by high shear stress, and the possible effect of the pathological wall shear stress on the stenosis formation. The model included the left subclavian artery (LSA), the left pulmonary artery (LPA), and the graft. The three-dimensional relative position and size of the arteries was obtained from a CT scan of real anatomy. Four different types of the graft with two different diameters (3 and 4 mm) and two different shapes (straight and curved) of the pipe, and one variable diameter pipe were inserted in the model. A pulsatile flow of 0.81 L/min on average was assumed at the inlet to LSA, and 80% of the flow was directed through the graft. Computer simulations demonstrated a complex flow pattern with eddies and low velocity regions in the arteries at the anastomoses with the graft in all five models. An eddy was also found inside the straight 4 mm graft. A high pathological shear rate was present within the graft, with higher values in the 3 mm grafts. The fractional volume with a high (>2500 L/s) shear rate was between 2.5% and 4.5%, and that with a very high (>7500 L/s) shear rate between 0 and 1.5% of the model volume, and depended on the graft geometry and the phase of the cardiac cycle. Pathologically high (>3.5 Pa) and pathologically low (<1.0 Pa) wall shear stress, which may induce neointimal growth, was found in LSA and LPA. We conclude that the activation of platelets by high shear rate is possible within the graft, followed by their subsequent aggregation in the eddies with a low flow rate. Flow-induced changes of the vessel wall thickness (stenosis) can also appear, especially in the pulmonary artery.

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