
The effects of feeding processed cassava meals in growing pigs were investigated. The average daily weight gain of control animals (40% maize was 0.34+0.06kg those of animals on processed cassava meals were 0.38+0.04kg, 0.40+0.03kg and 0.39+0.06kg for diets 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The packed cell volume of the blood of the experimental animal showed that the control diet had higher values than the other diets. Various degrees of histological lesions were observed in the livers of the experimental animals on the different cassava meals. The most pronounced lesions were noticed in animals fed with 40% sun-dried cassava meals (SDCM). Tribecular fibrosis and cellular infiltration of the portal spaces, kidney lesions including prominent glomerulonephritis were noticed in various degrees which was most prominent in animals fed on sun-dried cassava meal. Various degree of disruption of epithelial architecture of the small intestine were observed in the animals placed on the cassava-based diets; the most pronounced lesions were observed in animals fed on sun-dried cassava meal. These findings suggests that prolonged feeding of sun-dried cassava at high levels in the diet of growing pigs may result in histopathological lesions in the livers, kidneys and the small intestine of growing pigs. Key Words: Histopathology, Growing pigs, cassava meals. Trop. Vet. Vol. 21: (3) 160-167 (2003)

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