
Understanding the relationship among environmental factors, overstory and understory is a key step for the improvement of sustainable forest management. Our aim was to understand how environmental features (topographic factors) and overstory (tree species) composition affect understory (shrub and herb species) assemblage in sub-Mediterranean coppiced woods. The study area lies in the Monti Sibillini National Park (central Italy). In 205 plots (20 × 20 m) we collected topographic features and species cover values; moreover, we defined the Social Behaviour Type (SBT — i.e. species ecological and dynamic features) of each understory species. Data were analysed using Redundancy Analysis and Generalized Linear Modeling. We found that topographic factors shaped percentage cover of different tree species and hence determined forest community type. Topography-related factors were further mediated by the tree layer composition, in filtering understory assemblage, on the basis of species SBT. We found no effect of overstory species diversity on understory species diversity. However, the presence of tree species different from the dominant ones increased understory species richness. This effect was particularly notable in evergreen woods, dominated by Quercus ilex. We conclude that, to improve the management sustainability, coppicing management should be focused on the achievement of the greater tree species diversity.

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