
Routine analysis of blood parameters requires high precision. Therefore a significant number of methods and recommendations has been developed to ensure the obtaining of precise results. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the type of anticoagulant affects the values of biochemical parameters in the blood of dairy cows in relation to the values obtained from the serum. The study was carried out on 20 healthy cows of Holstein- Friesian breed in the second month of lactation. The blood was taken by venipuncture from v.coccigea. There were used five types of vacutainers as follows: for the serum separation, with heparin, EDTA, citrate, and fluoride. Samples from each cow were taken in all five types of vacutainers respectively. There was determined the concentration of: albumin, total protein, glucose, Ca, P, BHB, NEFA, urea, cholesterol, triglycerides, ALT, AST, AP, GGT and bilirubin. The results of the analysis of samples that contained anticoagulants were compared statistically with analysis in serum that was considered to be the control one. It was also calculated the percentage of deviation in average values of concentration of metabolites obtained from samples with different anticoagulants in regard to the serum value. The results of the investigation show that anticoagulants influence the values of biochemical parameters in the blood of cows. In the samples where heparin was used as anticoagulant there was found higher albumin level (deviation 4.1%) as well as total protein (1.4%), but lower value of alkaline phosphatase activity relative to the serum (-33%). In the samples in which EDTA was used there were significantly lower levels of total protein (-5.8%), Ca (-49.6%), P (-17.7%), AP (-32%) and higher value AST (10.6%) compared to serum. In the samples where citrate or fluoride were used as anticoagulants there were found lower values of total protein, albumin, glucose (only citrate), Ca, P, BHB, NEFA, urea (only citrate), cholesterol, AP and GGT (only fluoride) and lower bilirubin when using citrate or higher when using fluoride, in comparison to the serum. Deviations of biochemical parameters measured from blood samples that were in citrate or fluoride were as follows: total protein (-5.3%, -5.2%), albumin (-7%, -5.7%), glucose (only citrate -6.2%), Ca (-55%, -82%), P (-29%, -24%), BHB (-53%, -80%), NEFA (-62.1%, -79 , 4%), urea (only citrate, -25.5%), cholesterol (-28.6%, -28.4%), AP (-38%, -32%), and GGT (only -17 fluoride, 8%) and higher bilirubin (-22.8%, 64.4%). For routine clinical biochemical analysis of blood of cows it is the most reliable to use the samples with heparin as an anticoagulant, because the use of other anticoagulants gives large variations in the values of biochemical parameters in relation to serum.


  • Rutinska analiza kliničkih biohemijskih parametara krvi zahteva visoku preciznost

  • Vet. glasnik 69 (1-2) 13 - 20 (2015) Belić Branislava i sar.: Uticaj različitih antikoagulansa na vrednost biohemijskih parametara u krvi kod krava korišćen­ i ­citrat i fluorid kao antikoagulansi utvrđena je niža vrednost u­ku­pnih proteina, albumina, glukoze, Ca, P, BHB, NEFA, uree, holesterola, AP i GGT i niža vrednost bilirubina pri upotrebi citrata odnosno viša pri upotrebi fluorida u odnosu na serum

  • U uzorcima u kojima je korišćen EDTA nađena je značajno niža vrednost ukupnih proteina (-5,8%), Ca (-49,6%), P (-17,7%), AP (-32%) i viša vrednost AST (10,6%) u odnosu na serum

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Rutinska analiza kliničkih biohemijskih parametara krvi zahteva visoku preciznost. Zbog toga je razvijen veliki broj metoda i preporuka kako bi se omogućilo dobijanje preciznog rezultata. Vet. glasnik 69 (1-2) 13 - 20 (2015) Belić Branislava i sar.: Uticaj različitih antikoagulansa na vrednost biohemijskih parametara u krvi kod krava korišćen­ i ­citrat i fluorid kao antikoagulansi utvrđena je niža vrednost u­ku­pnih proteina, albumina, glukoze (samo citrat), Ca, P, BHB, NEFA, uree (samo citrat), holesterola, AP i GGT (samo fluorid) i niža vrednost bilirubina pri upotrebi citrata odnosno viša pri upotrebi fluorida u odnosu na serum.

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